If you are doing your TEFL course in Bangkok, here are 5 fun things to do in Thailand.
- Sample Thai street food. Thailand is one of the best countries in the world to try out street food. You can literally find a stand selling something delicious on every street corner. From fresh fruit to som tam (spicy green papaya salad) to just about everything grilled on a stick… and even insects! This is a must-do while on your TEFL course in Bangkok.
- Have a water fight during Songkran. (Traditional Thai New Year), Celebrated each year in April across the country and runs from the 13th to the 15th, water is traditionally sprinkled throughout the festival as it is believed it will wash away your bad luck and sins. These days things have spiralled into huge water fights, bringing the country to a standstill. If you don’t want to get wet – simple, don’t leave home! Nobody is off bounds. If you can’t beat them, join them! Depending on the time of the year, you’ll get to enjoy various festivals and holidays during your TEFL course and teaching experience in Thailand.
- Visit the Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan (in the Gulf of Thailand). The biggest beach party takes place each month at full moon, with approximately 30,000 partygoers attending.
- Drink a fresh, young coconut – best served chilled! Be sure to eat the silky flesh afterwards. Highly nutritious, and full of electrolytes, coconut water is ideal for staying hydrated in the heat (and the best hangover cure, see Full Moon Party above!)
- Have a Thai massage. Whether it’s one under a shaded beach stand or from a massage parlour in the city, massages are well-priced in Thailand. You’ll find many local Thai massage locations to relax during your TEFL course in Bangkok.